Welcome to the one and only Orbital Rocketry Simulator. This webpage as designed by a high school student as a source for aspiring rocket scientist to get a glimpse at the real life calculations that make space exploration possible. In this simulation, users will create a simulated rocket using dimensions they enter in order to calculate a rockets performance prior to it's real launch. By following the formulaic layout of programs, you can derive all necessary variables to create your very own digital space launch to hopefully create the worlds next rocket to get us to mars!
Step 1: Calculating The Wind Resistance Factors
Since a rocket begins it's flight on Earth's surface, it needs to pass through the atmoshpere in order to break away into low-earth orbit and beyond. Because of atmospheric influence, we have to consider the aerodynamics and flight parametrics involved with our rocket's passing of the atmosphere, considering multiple sub-variables such as the aerodynamics of the nosecone, the gravitational downforce, and the overall drag of the rocket. By utilizing the formula to calculate the wind resistance factors of a rocket, we can combine all of the listed disruptancies under a single vriable. By simply inputting the shape of the nosecone and the rocket's diameter, we can derive this variable that we'll use in the folowing calculations.
2) Now Enter the Desired Width of Your Preliminary Rocket. *NOTE - Only Integer Values Are Accepted
Step 2: Calculating Velocity At Burnout
When a rocket's engine first ignites, it's propulsion begins to burn, eventually lowering to zero. The point in which the fuel runs out is known as the point of burnout and in order to calculate this, we first need to derive the velocity of the rocket at it's burnout point. To do this, you need to enter the thrust of your preliminary rocket so that it corresponds with it's weight. However, this is already calculated using the pre-derived thrust to weight ratio derived from the wind resistance factors you calculated in the previous program.
Mass in kg:
Thrust in kg:
Step 3: Calculating Position of Burnout
With the burnout velocity derived, we can now calculate the point at which egnition stops, being the position of burnout. By using the thrust emmited by a rocket, the program pre-calcuates the thrust to burn time ratio as depicted with the slider's movement to clculate how far the rocket will travel.
Motor Burn Time:
Step 4: Calculating Coast Distance
Following the engines burnout, a rocket will continue to advance in space due to it's interspacial inertia. Since the variable of drag and wind resistance apply close to no effect on the rocket's movement due to it moving in the vacum of space. It's this distance in which a rocket spends most of it's travel in planetary space travel.
Step 5: Calculating Total Altitude Distance
By utilizing the coast distance and overall altitude calculated in the steps above, we can finally derive the full distance your rocket has gone. This answer can then be analyzed in the set of conditionals that will analyze where you rocket will reach relative to the objects in our near-Earth solor system.
Step 6: Launching to Analyzing the Derived Altitude
You are now ready to launch your preliminary rocket! Click the launch button to see how your rocket did future space cadet!